VEVOR Telescopic Pole Saw Reciprocating Hand Tools Pruner Aluminum Alloy High Branch Trimmer Fruit Tree Home Garden Pruning Tool

73.75 $

8986 in stock

SKU: 1005002858007839 Categories: , , ,



Telescopic Handle


Pole Chainsaws

Brand Name



Mainland China

Package Content 1

Telescopic Pole

Package Content 2

Pruning Saw


Aluminum single groove tube

The telescope pole pruning saw

For pruning, trimming leaves

Saw length

36 / 34 cm


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VEVOR 4-14Ft Tree Pruner Pole Saw Telescopic Pole 23in Curved Saw Blade Arborist – YouTube

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<!– Product Description:

Features & Details


– Aluminum alloy telescopic pole, Mn steel saw, lightweight and durable.


– Features 4.2 m overall length, 1.2-3.6 m 4-12 ft telescopic range, the telescope pole saw is ideal for trimming and pruning branches and leaves.


– T

he precision-ground,

sharp teeth feature four cutting angles to ensure fast, clean, smooth cutting


– The foam grip increases friction to improve trimming efficiency, features shock absorption while increasing comfort.

Wide Application

Ideal for pruning, trimming leaves at forestry, lawn, garden and other place that needs to trim the branches and leaves.

Key Features

Robust Material

The telescopic pole is made of professional grade light aluminum alloy and the saw blade is made of Mn steel. Lightweight, durable and reliable, the telescopic pole saw is robust enough for pruning and trimming the branches and leaves.

Telescopic Pole

The pole is constructed of telescopic aluminum alloy tube, features 1.2-3.6 m 4-12 ft length telescopic range. The telescopic pole saw is ideal for pruning branches at higher position without ever climbing a ladder.

Sharp Saw Blade

This lightweight telescoping pole saw features a
36 cm length 1 mm thick
Made of durable Mn steel material, t
he precision-ground,

sharp teeth feature four cutting angles to ensure fast, clean, smooth cutting.

Foam G

The foam grip increases friction to improve trimming efficiency, features shock absorption while increasing comfort. Efficient and comfortable, our telescopic pole saw provides users with the best sense of use.


The taper-ground profile reduces drag and directs more usable energy to the cutting edge. Oval-shaped aluminum alloy extension poles provide precise blade control, vitally important for high cutting.

Wide Applications

The telescope pole pruning saw can be used for pruning, trimming leaves at forestry, lawn, garden and other place that needs to trim the branches and leaves.

1.2-3.6 m4-12 ft Telescopic Pole Saw

The listing is about telescopic pole saw, constructed with aluminum alloy pole and steel saw, perfect for pruning and trimming branches and leaves. With


telescopic pole and 36 cm length 1 mm thick s

aw blade, the telescopic pole saw is ideal for trimming branches at higher position without ever climbing a ladder.

Durable Material






<!– Package Content

–> Specification

Overall length: 4.2 m 13.78 ft

Saw material: 65 Mn steel

Saw length: 36 cm 1.9 ft

Saw thickness: 1 mm 0.04 inch

Pole: Aluminum single groove 3 stages tube

Pole section: 3-section

Outer tube: 30.2×0.7 mm

The second tube: 26.7×0.7 mm

The third tube: 23.4×0.7 mm

Package Content

1 x Telescopic Pole

1 x Pruning Saw
1.8-5.4 m6-18 ft

Telescopic Pole Saw

The listing is about telescopic pole saw, constructed with aluminum alloy pole and steel saw, perfect for pruning and trimming branches and leaves. With 1.8-5.4 m

telescopic pole and 36 cm length 1mm thick saw blade, the telescopic pole saw is ideal for trimming branches at higher position without ever climbing a ladder.

Durable Material






<!– Package Content
–> Specification

Overall length: 6 m 19.7 ft

Saw material: 65 Mn steel

Saw length: 36 cm 1.9 ft

Saw thickness: 1 mm 0.04 inch

Pole telescopic range: 1.8-5.4 m 6-18 ft

Pole: Aluminum single groove 3 stages tube

Pole section: 3-section

Outer tube: 30.2×0.7 mm

The second tube: 26.7×0.7 mm

The third tube: 23.4×0.7 mm

Gross weight: 3 kg 6.6 lbs

Package Content

1 x Telescopic Pole

1 x Pruning Saw
1.8-7.2m 6-24 ft

Telescopic Pole Saw

The listing is about a telescopic pole saw, constructed with aluminum alloy pole and steel saw, perfect for pruning and trimming branches and leaves. With a 1.8-7.2

telescopic pole and 36 cm
length 1 mm inch thick s

aw blade, the telescopic pole saw is ideal for trimming branches at higher position without ever climbing a ladder.

Durable Material






<!– Package Content
–> Specification

Overall length: 7.8 m 25.6 ft
Saw length: 36 cm 1.9 ft

Saw thickness: 1 mm 0.04 inch
Pole: Aluminum single groove 4 stages tube
Pole section: 4-section
Outer tube: 34×0.8 mm
The second tube: 30.2×0.7 mm
The third tube: 26.7×0.7 mm
The fourth tube: 23.4×0.7 mm
Package Content

1 x Telescopic Pole
1 x Pruning Saw
26ft – Specification

Color: Green

Feature: Detachable

Pole material: Epoxy resin

Pole quantity: 8

Single pole length: 1 m 3.28 ft

Overall length: 8 m 26 ft

Saw material: Alloy steel

Saw width: 1 mm 0.04 inch

Saw length: 34 cm 13.39 inch

Hand rope length: 2 m 6.56 ft

Package Content

8 x Epoxy Resin Poles One of them contains a scissor

1 x Saw Blade

1 x Canvas Storage Bag


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